Singing Guide: Stephen Bishop

Singing Guide: Stephen Bishop

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Stephen Bishop has a unique, almost dreamy, quality to his voice that makes him easily recognizable. The power and range of his phrasing is impressive, especially showcased in tracks like “On and On” and “It Might Be You.”

If you want to sing like Stephen Bishop, first, analyze your voice by taking the vocal range test on Singing Carrots to know what your strengths are. Your voice type and range will help tailor your training and make the most of your natural skills.

Breathing is the foundation of any good singing technique, so make sure to check out Singing Carrots’ articles on the subject, such as Breathing Basics, Breath Support, and Active and Passive Breathing.

For Stephen Bishop's vocal techniques, you can refer to the videos of Singing Carrots on Diaphragm Bounce, Humming, Sustaining Vocal, and Singing Comfort Zone to help develop your chest voice and voice registers. His unique voice also makes use of vibrato, so Singing with Vibrato will be a useful exercise to learn this technique.

You should also pay particular attention to articulation, especially when singing with his unique phrasing. The Finger Bite exercise on Singing Carrots can be a helpful tool.

When it comes to singing songs like Stephen Bishop, you can start with “On and On” and “It Might Be You,” and search for similar vocal range songs on Singing Carrots. Don't forget to find songs that challenge your ability, but never strain your voice. Use Singing Carrots’ Song-Book to create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

After follow these tips, you might be surprised by how much closer you are to singing like Stephen Bishop.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.